A Unique STEM Approach

Nebraska Department of Education’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Approach reflects an integrated and interdisciplinary philosophy that emphasizes collaborative school-based, work-based, family-based, and community-based experiences.

NDE’s STEM Approach serves as a standards-based framework for supporting the engagement of students in hands-on, authentic, and contextual learning experiences that provide students with the opportunity to learn STEM content while promoting essential career readiness skills, including communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.

NDE’s STEM Approach strives for compatibility with all content-areas, all grade levels, and all career clusters, not just those traditionally defined as STEM.

Elements of STEM

Interdisciplinary: Integrates 2 or more content areas

Standards-Based: Grade appropriate standards; Learners acquire competency; Assessment aligned to standards

STEM Skills and Application: School, work, family or community based; Embeds creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking

Learner-Centered Activity and Experience: Authentic; Builds curiosity; Problem based; Demonstrate learning; Formative Assessment