Art in STEM

Tatyana Frost is a mental health advocate and computer scientist who believes in the importance of STEM for girls. Passionate about creativity, Tatyana shares with us the way STEM and art are linked through computer science.


Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping on moving surfaces. The short film documents a live performance, captured entirely in camera.

Behind the Scenes

Art in the Age of Machine Learning

What does it look like inside the mind of a machine? Inspired by the architectural vision of a futuristic Los Angeles in "Blade Runner," media artist Refik Anadol melds art with artificial intelligence in his studio's collaborations with architects, data scientists, neuroscientists, musicians and more. Witness otherworldly installations that might make you rethink the future of tech and creativity.

Amazing Mechanical Mirrors

Daniel Rozin, Artist and Professor, Interactive Telecommunications Program, NYU, makes mechanical "mirrors" out of uncommon objects that mimic the viewer's movements and form.

Ferrofluid Art - Fluid Sculpture

Ferrofluid is a liquid with nano-sized iron particles that was developed by NASA in the 1960s. Artist Eric Mesplé has been experimenting with this magnetic liquid in his art for the past dozen years, and the results are mesmerizing.


Wonderspaces partners with artists to deliver artwork to new audiences. Since our first day, we’ve been exploring the gap between artists and new audiences, trying to build bridges. Recognizing that every community is unique, we intend to set up in a variety of spaces: a downtown cruise ship terminal, a converted movie theater inside a mall, a warehouse complex, to name a few. We intend to reach people who don’t usually seek out art; we’re happy to repurpose spaces to do so.